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A member registered Feb 11, 2018

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Also i have followed different guides but still nothing.

Also  the controller is detected as a mass storage device and not a game controller :(

Okay so i have followed all guides i can find but i can't get Freerider to work with my Taranis :(
First i find it disturbing that i don't find any support as i purchased the game !
I get it working with Liftoff and Velocidrone .No problem with the calibrations besides when i get to Freerider as the points are jumping all over the place and it wont lock on any axis. I have upgraded the firmware and removed all drivers i can find related to Taranis and now Freerider doesnt even knows the Taranis anymore!

I run Windows 10 x64 system and as i mention before i have no issue with other simulators. Is there any support as in all other pay sim..?